News and updates


  • Hearing scheduling underway

    The Tribunal has begun scheduling hearings after a temporary pause related to its backlog strategy. The Tribunal is scheduling hearings in the order of the date the complaint was filed, from oldest to newest. The Tribunal will contact parties in respect of scheduling as their case reaches the top of the queue. We are currently scheduling hearings for cases filed in or before 2020.

Recent news

  • Survey announced

    The Tribunal has launched a survey on its Case Path Process and other process options. Please participate to help the Tribunal improve its process. This…

  • Update from the Chair on Backlog and Delay

    What is the Backlog? Backlogs accumulate when a Tribunal has more complaints than it has capacity to process. The number of new complaints filed with…

  • Request for qualification for mediators is posted on BC Bid

    Interested Vendors are invited to submit a Response to this RFQ for the opportunity to be evaluated for eligibility to be added to the BC…

  • Holiday office hours

    Regular hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Holiday Hours A secure drop box is located outside the door under the Tribunal sign…

  • Revised policies, rules, and new forms

    Today, the Tribunal issued a revised Accommodation Policy and Form 10 – Accommodation Request, including to clarify when to use a Form 10. The Tribunal…