News and updates


  • Hearing scheduling underway

    The Tribunal has begun scheduling hearings after a temporary pause related to its backlog strategy. The Tribunal is scheduling hearings in the order of the date the complaint was filed, from oldest to newest. The Tribunal will contact parties in respect of scheduling as their case reaches the top of the queue. We are currently scheduling hearings for cases filed in or before 2020.

Recent news

  • 2012 updates

    December 20, 2012  Holiday Hours – The Tribunal will be closed for statutory holidays on December 25, 26, 2012 and January 1, 2013.  December 10,…

  • 2011 updates

    August 26, 2011  The Tribunal is undertaking a policy and procedural review and is inviting feedback from stakeholders.   April 21, 2011  The Tribunal’s Acting Chair, Bernd Walter,…

  • 2010 updates

    December 8, 2010  The Tribunal’s Acting Chair, Bernd Walter, responded by letter to the BC Law Institute regarding their Workplace Dispute Resolution Project Report to the Ministry…