Who can help
Police complaints
Last updated: December 28, 2023
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
The Commission has jurisdiction over a complaint from any individual that concerns the conduct of an RCMP member while performing a duty or function under the RCMP Act or the Witness Protection Program Act. These duties and functions include criminal investigations, public complaint investigations, policing public events, security assignments and intelligence operations.
A complaint must also meet the following criteria:
- the person complained about must have been an RCMP member or other person appointed or employed under Part I of the RCMP Act at the time of the alleged misconduct (even if they are not any longer);
- the complaint must be filed within one year of the alleged misconduct, unless an extension is granted by the Commission; and
- the alleged misconduct must not relate to an RCMP Code of Conduct decision under Part IV of the RCMP Act.
In addition, the Commission has the discretion to refuse certain complaints under Part VII of the RCMP Act. For example, it may refuse to deal with complaints that may be better addressed elsewhere or complaints made by third parties who have no connection to the alleged incident.
Phone: 1-800-665-6878
TTY: 1-866-432-5837
Fax: 613-952-8045 (Ottawa) / 604-501-4095 (Surrey)
Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner
The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (the OPCC) provides impartial civilian oversight of complaints by the public involving municipal police. They ensure thorough and competent investigations of police complaints and fair adjudication with respect to all parties. They facilitate quality policing within their communities and uphold public trust in law enforcement and the complaint process through effective, transparent civilian oversight.
The OPCC provides an accessible way for the public to voice their concerns about the conduct of any municipal police officer or department to an independent body. The OPCC ensures that the complaint process is conducted with impartiality and fairness, to both citizens and police officers alike.
The OPCC maintains a record of all complaints and their dispositions, compiles statistical information and reports regularly to the public about complaints, their dispositions and the complaint process.
501 – 947 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8V 3K3
Phone: 250-356-7458
Toll Free: 1-877-999-8707
Fax: 250-356-6503
Email: info@opcc.bc.ca