Who can help
Employment resources
Last updated: November 30, 2023
Page contents
- Employers’ Advisers Office
- Employment Standards Branch
- Labour Relations Board
- Migrant Workers Centre (MWC)
- Workers’ Advisers Office (WAO)
- WorkBC
- WorkSafeBC
Employers’ Advisers Office
Employers’ Advisers provide independent advice, assistance, representation and education to employers, potential employers and employer associations concerning workers’ compensation issues under section 94 of the Workers Compensation Act. In fulfilling this mandate, Employers’ Advisers:
- Assist and advise employers, potential employers, and employer associations in understanding, working and complying with WorkSafeBC issues in Claims, Assessments and Prevention.
- Respond to inquiries about workers’ compensation legislation, decisions, appeals and related matters in Claims, Assessments and Prevention.
- Prepare submissions on behalf of employers to WorkSafeBC, Review Division, Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal (WCAT) and assist employers in cases involving complex legal, medical or policy issues.
- Conduct seminars and public speaking engagements on occupational health and safety issues, prevention, claims management, assessments and appeals.
- Consult with WorkSafeBC officials to review and make recommendations to the Policy Department, Executive and Board of Directors.
- This service is available to all employers or potential employers free of charge.
For Employers’ Advisers Office locations, see their Contact Us webpage.
Email: eao@eao-bc.org
Employment Standards Branch
The Employment Standards Branch administers the Employment Standards Act and Regulation, which set minimum standards of wages and working conditions in most workplaces.
The purposes of the Act are:
- To ensure that employees in BC receive at least basic standards of compensation and conditions of employment;
- To promote the fair treatment of employees and employers;
- To encourage open communication between employers and employees;
- To provide fair and efficient procedures for resolving disputes over the application and interpretation of the Act;
- To foster the development of a productive and efficient labour force that can contribute fully to the prosperity of BC;
- To contribute in assisting employees to meet work and family responsibilities.
The Employment Standards Branch is available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone (within BC): 1-800-663-3316
Phone (Prince George or outside B.C.): 250-612-4100
Labour Relations Board
The BC Labour Relations Board is an independent, administrative tribunal with the mandate to mediate and adjudicate employment and labour relations matters related to unionized workplaces.
The Labour Relations Code (the “Code”) governs all aspects of collective bargaining amongst the provincially-regulated employers and employees. This includes the acquisition of collective bargaining rights, the process of collective bargaining, the settlement and regulation of disputes in both the public and private sectors, and the regulation of the representation of persons by their bargaining agents.
The Labour Relations Board is available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Suite 600, Oceanic Plaza
1066 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3X1
Phone: 604-660-1300
Fax: 604-660-1892
Email: Information@lrb.bc.ca
Migrant Workers Centre (MWC)
The Migrant Workers Centre [MWC] was formerly known as the West Coast Domestic Workers’ Association (WCDWA). MWC’s work promotes and advances access to justice for migrant workers by providing legal representation services, advocacy, research, public education and engagement in law and policy reform initiatives.
MWC facilitates access to justice for migrant workers and service providers across BC in the areas of employment law and immigration law. Over the years, MWC has assisted thousands of clients and given hundreds of workshops.
MWC is highly involved in law and policy reform work. They have worked tirelessly on behalf of their members to advocate for laws that provide caregivers and other migrant workers with more equitable rights and recognition of their important role in our community.
In partnership with community organizations, MWC holds free legal education workshops for the public across BC. A staff lawyer and legal advocates present information on topics such as:
- employment standards in BC
- temporary foreign worker programs
- immigration law
- labour exploitation and trafficking in BC
- advice for live-in caregivers and low-wage temporary foreign workers
- applying for permanent residence, work permits and permit renewal
- judicial reviews of immigration decisions
Contact MWC to inquire about information or attending a workshop in your area.
Migrant Workers Centre
Suite #302 – 119 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1S5
Phone: 604-669-4482
Toll free: 1-888-669-4482
Email: info@mwcbc.ca
Workers’ Advisers Office (WAO)
The Workers’ Advisers Office (WAO) provides free advice and assistance to workers and their dependants on disagreements they may have with WorkSafeBC decisions. WAO operates independently of WorkSafeBC.
When to contact WAO:
- You receive a decision from WorkSafeBC about a claim for compensation but disagree with it and want advice and assistance on a potential appeal.
- WorkSafeBC refused or failed to provide you with a decision on an issue of entitlement under the Workers Compensation Act.
- You raised an issue of health and safety in the workplace and your employer took some action, or failed to take some action, that adversely affected your terms of employment or membership in a union.
- WorkSafeBC declined to accept your claim for “Discriminatory Action” (see 3 and 4 above) under sections 150 & 151 of the Workers Compensation Act.
Vancouver / Lower Mainland
500 – 8100 Granville Avenue
Richmond, BC V6Y 3T6
Phone: 604 713-0360
Fax: 604 713-0311
Toll Free: 1 800 663-4261
For additional locations in BC, click on the following link: http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/employment-standards-advice/personal-injury-and-workplace-safety
WorkBC Employment Services Centres offer services that include job-search resources, personal employment planning, skills assessment and training, and work experience placement. WorkBC Services Centres are based on your home address. See the WorkBC website to find the service centre closest to you. WorkBC is available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 250-952-6914
Toll Free: 1-877-952-6914
Fax: 250-387-5329
WorkSafeBC is dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for the workers and employers of this province. They consult with and educate employers and workers and enforce the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
In the event of work-related injuries or diseases, WorkSafeBC works with the affected parties to provide return-to-work rehabilitation, compensation, health care benefits, and a range of other services. WorkSafe BC is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
Worker services inquiries:
Claims Call Centre:
Phone: 604-231-8888
Toll Free: 1-888-967-5377
Employer & small business inquiries:
Phone: 604-244-6181
Toll Free: 1-888-922-2768