News and updates


  • The Tribunal has issued four new practice directions

    Several changes take effect today: 

    The Tribunal has issued four new practice directions: 

    Mask-wearing Complaints 

    Mediation services where all parties have legal representation – which requires lawyers and legal advocates to make reasonable efforts to resolve complaints on their own before participating in the Tribunal’s mediation services, if all parties have legal representation. 

    Complaint Response – which requires respondents to respond to a complaint, even if they will participate in mediation. 

    Terms of participation in mediation – which discontinues the use of the Agreement to Participate in Mediation and requires all participants to comply with the terms of the Mediation Policy, which has been updated to: 

    • Delete references to the Agreement to Participate in Mediation 
    • Amend the Conditions of Participation to reflect that the terms of the former Agreement to Participate in Mediation are now terms of the policy, including: 
    • Mediation is voluntary 
    • Mediation is confidential: exceptions are now set out in the policy; the policy addresses situations where a participant needs to speak to a person who is not attending the mediation; and the policy addresses how the mediator deals with information received when speaking to participants in the absence of other participants 

    New Notice: 

    Notice about Mask Requirements in Services 

Recent news

  • COVID-19 Issues at the Tribunal

    Mask Wearing Complaints During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has made public health orders requiring masks in some settings. Many people are filing complaints related to mask…

  • Fall 2021 updates

    November 25, 2021  The government amended the Human Rights Code effective November 25, 2021 to add Indigenous identity as a ground of discrimination. In Expanding Our…

  • Summer 2021 updates

    August 16, 2021  The Tribunal has introduced a new logo.  July 28, 2021  BCHRT’s Annual Report 2020-2021 has been filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly…

  • Notice to Counsel appearing before the Human Rights Tribunal

    April 28, 2021 Re: Expectations of Counsel The purpose of this notice is to draw counsel’s attention to the obligations to conduct themselves in a…

  • The Tribunal welcomes two new members

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