The Sovereign will now be referred to as His Majesty the King
Cases involving the Sovereign will now be referred to as His Majesty the King. The Tribunal will make changes to existing case names when next corresponding or meeting with the parties. Parties will update the case name on their existing cases from Her Majesty the Queen to His Majesty the King when next corresponding or…
New practice directions
The Tribunal replaced two practice directions with the Case Path Pilot, which sets out a one-year pilot project regarding the process for considering complaints under s. 27 of the Human Rights Code.
Notice update
The Tribunal updated the Notice about Mask Requirements in Services.
The Tribunal has issued four new practice directions
Several changes take effect today: The Tribunal has issued four new practice directions: Mask-wearing Complaints Mediation services where all parties have legal representation – which requires lawyers and legal advocates to make reasonable efforts to resolve complaints on their own before participating in the Tribunal’s mediation services, if all parties have legal representation. Complaint Response – which…
Fall 2021 updates
November 25, 2021 The government amended the Human Rights Code effective November 25, 2021 to add Indigenous identity as a ground of discrimination. In Expanding Our Vision: Cultural Equality & Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights, Ardith Walpetko We’dalx Walkem recommended that the Tribunal advocate to add Indigenous identity as a protected ground to the Code. That recommendation has…
Summer 2021 updates
August 16, 2021 The Tribunal has introduced a new logo. July 28, 2021 BCHRT’s Annual Report 2020-2021 has been filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and is now available to the public. July 12, 2021 Emily Ohler has been appointed chair of the BC Human Rights Tribunal effective August 1, 2021 for a three-year term.…
Notice to Counsel appearing before the Human Rights Tribunal
April 28, 2021 Re: Expectations of Counsel The purpose of this notice is to draw counsel’s attention to the obligations to conduct themselves in a respectful, trauma-informed manner when appearing before the Tribunal, as set out in: The Benchers of the Law Society have issued a statement that lawyer competence includes: We encourage all lawyers involved with…
The Tribunal welcomes two new members
The Tribunal welcomes two new members to our team: Simmy Chauhan and Jessica Derynck. Ms. Chauhan and Ms. Derynck were both appointed as full-time Tribunal Members for six month terms commencing April 6, 2021 and April 12, 2021, respectively.
March 2021 updates
March 22, 2021 Tribunal will set automatic mediation dates starting April 6, 2021. When the Tribunal notifies the parties that a complaint is proceeding, it will set a mediation date. Mediation remains voluntary. Parties can opt out or ask for a date change, if necessary. This change is aimed to gain efficiencies in the process…
February 2021 updates
February 26, 2021 The Tribunal has adopted a Mediation Policy, which covers: The Tribunal updated the Agreement to Participate in Mediation to add clause 3, which addresses standards of conduct in mediation. February 17, 2021 Tribunal announces new process for mask wearing complaints. February 11, 2021 Indigenous Tribunal Members Appointed. Following the release of the Report of Ardith Walpetko…