News and updates


  • November 2023 update

    The Tribunal is pleased to welcome eight new Tribunal Members: Ijeamaka Anika, Jonathan Chapnick, Robin Dean, Andrea Duncan, Theressa Etmanski, Christopher Foy, Andrew Robb, and Laila Said-Alam.

    The Tribunal has updated its Backlog Strategy regarding the Screening Inventory Project.

    The Tribunal is continuing its process review and managing delays in its process as a result of unprecedented backlogs. As these move forward, the Tribunal has extended the Case Path Pilot for a further 6 months to May 6, 2024.

    By mid-2024, the Tribunal expects to introduce:

    • new Complaint Forms
    • changes to case processing
    • updates to its Rules of Practice and Procedure

    The Tribunal has also now updated its reporting on its Service Standards. The Tribunal is also currently reviewing the service standards in light of process changes and to better align with our new ongoing case volumes, increasing complexity of cases, technology, party needs, and resources.

    The Tribunal released a refreshed website on November 2, 2023. Give feedback on the Tribunal website.

Recent news

  • COVID-19 Issues at the Tribunal

    Mask Wearing Complaints During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has made public health orders requiring masks in some settings. Many people are filing complaints related to mask…

  • Fall 2021 updates

    November 25, 2021  The government amended the Human Rights Code effective November 25, 2021 to add Indigenous identity as a ground of discrimination. In Expanding Our…

  • Summer 2021 updates

    August 16, 2021  The Tribunal has introduced a new logo.  July 28, 2021  BCHRT’s Annual Report 2020-2021 has been filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly…

  • Notice to Counsel appearing before the Human Rights Tribunal

    April 28, 2021 Re: Expectations of Counsel The purpose of this notice is to draw counsel’s attention to the obligations to conduct themselves in a…

  • The Tribunal welcomes two new members

    The Tribunal welcomes two new members to our team: Simmy Chauhan and Jessica Derynck. Ms. Chauhan and Ms. Derynck were both appointed as full-time Tribunal…