News and updates


  • Hearing scheduling underway

    May 10, 2024

    The Tribunal has begun scheduling hearings after a temporary pause related to its backlog strategy. The Tribunal is scheduling hearings in the order of the date the complaint was filed, from oldest to newest. The Tribunal will contact parties in respect of scheduling as their case reaches the top of the queue. We are currently scheduling hearings for cases filed in or before 2020.

Recent news

  • November 2023 update

    The Tribunal is pleased to welcome eight new Tribunal Members: Ijeamaka Anika, Jonathan Chapnick, Robin Dean, Andrea Duncan, Theressa Etmanski, Christopher Foy, Andrew Robb, and…

  • Annual report 2022-2023

    BCHRT’s Annual Report 2022-2023 has been filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and is now available to the public.

  • Tribunal updates

    The Tribunal has updated the Backlog Strategy, Case Path Pilot Project, and Public Hearings.

  • Tribunal backlog strategy

    The Chair has issued a message about the Tribunal’s backlog strategy.

  • Message from the Chair about the Tribunal’s backlog strategy

    Last updated: December 15, 2023 Background In past three years, the Tribunal experienced a rapid spike in the number of complaints filed. The Tribunal did…