Complaint process
Get a solution
When you make a complaint, you want a solution to the problem.
Making a complaint does not guarantee a solution. But, the human rights complaint process has two ways to help you get a solution.
1. Settle the complaint
Most complaints are solved by the parties agreeing to settle the complaint. This can happen at any time. It is the fastest, easiest way to solve a complaint. Learn more about how to settle a complaint.
2. Go to a hearing
Very few complaints go to a hearing. Most complaints settle. The Tribunal dismisses some complaints without a hearing, for example, if there is no reasonable chance the complainant will win. Learn more about when the Tribunal will dismiss a complaint without a hearing.
A hearing needs a lot of preparation. You must gather and exchange documents. You must prepare yourself and your witnesses. At the hearing, you must prove your case. Learn more about hearings.
The Tribunal will only order a solution if the complainant wins their case. This solution is called a remedy. The Tribunal will order the respondent to stop discriminating. The Tribunal can order the respondent to give the complainant what they were denied. The Tribunal can also order the respondent to pay the complainant compensation for the discrimination. Learn more about solutions the Tribunal can order.