Complaint process
Human rights complaint process
Last updated: July 19, 2024
The BC Human Rights Code sets up a process for dealing with complaints of discrimination. The Code makes the BC Human Rights Tribunal responsible for the process.
The process starts with someone making a complaint. The Tribunal decides if the complaint was filed within the time limit and sets out possible discrimination. If so, the Tribunal notifies the respondent. There are options available to the parties. They can agree to settle the complaint. The respondent can respond to the complaint and can apply to have the complaint dismissed. If the complaint is not resolved or dismissed, the Tribunal holds a hearing to decide if there was discrimination.
The human rights complaint process is public. This means that information about the complaint may become public. There are exceptions. One is if the parties agree to settle the complaint before the Tribunal makes any decisions about the complaint. The other exception is if you ask the Tribunal to keep your identity private and the Tribunal agrees to do so.
Learn more about the human rights complaint process:
- My role in the process
- Tour the Tribunal
- Frequently asked questions
- Steps in the human rights complaint process
- Make a complaint
- Attend a mediation
- Respond to a complaint
- Disclose documents
- Dismissal applications
- Make an application or request
- Attend a case conference
- Get ready for a hearing
- Public hearings
- What happens after a hearing