News and updates


  • 2017 updates

    November 1, 2017 

    There is a full time vacancy for the position of Tribunal Member coming available in January 2018. A posting is open now until December 15, 2017. 

    November 1, 2017 

    Devyn Cousineau has been appointed as a member of the Tribunal for a six month term beginning November 1, 2017. 

    November 1, 2017 

    The Tribunal issued service standards, effective November 1, 2017. 

    October 26, 2017 

    The Tribunal is withdrawing the Settlement Meeting Policy. We have updated the Frequently Asked Questions About Settlement Meetings (Mediation)

    October 24, 2017 

    The Tribunal amended rule 7 of its Rules of Practice and Procedure. 

    October 13, 2017 

    The Tribunal made its Submission to Parliamentary Secretary Ravi Kahlon regarding the re-establishment of a Human Rights Commission in British Columbia. 

    September 21, 2017 

    The Government of British Columbia is re-establishing the B.C. Human Rights Commission. Everyone is welcome to contribute their views about the role, functions and priorities of the new commission. 

    Find out more about the consultation

    September 20, 2017 

    The Tribunal’s Annual Report 2016-2017 has been tabled in the Legislature. 

    September 15, 2017 

    The Tribunal is considering an amendment to Rule 7 – Representation before the Tribunal. We would like to receive feedback about the draft amended rule, set out below. Please address your comments to the Registrar by October 13, 2017. 

    Draft Rule 7 – Representation before the Tribunal 
    How participants may be represented 

    1. A participant may be represented by a lawyer or other person, or may be self-represented. 
    1. The representative may be: 
    1. a lawyer or other person authorized to practice law in British Columbia under the Legal Profession Act, or 
    1. a person who acts as a representative with no expectation of a fee, gain or reward, direct or indirect, from the participant they represent, except for persons identified in s. 15(3) of the Legal Profession Act. 

    Withdrawal of representative 

    1. A representative who ceases to represent a participant must file notice of the withdrawal. 

    Responsibilities of participants and representatives 

    1. Participants and representatives must treat all persons in the course of a complaint with courtesy and respect. 
    1. Participants and representatives must participate in the complaint process with appropriate consideration for all persons without discrimination. 
    1. Participants and representatives must conduct themselves with honesty and integrity, and must not act in a manner that would undermine the Tribunal’s process. 

    Consequences for failure to comply 

    1. Without limiting rule 4, if the Tribunal determines that a representative has not complied with this rule, the Tribunal may impose restrictions on the representative’s continued participation in, or attendance at, a proceeding, or may exclude the representative from further participation in a proceeding. 

    May 12, 2017 

    The Tribunal has added leading cases to the law library. We will be adding content in the coming weeks. The first additions to the leading cases are in the areas of employment, tenancy, and publication. 

    May 3, 2017 

    Call for lawyers – BC Human Rights Tribunal ILA List 

    The BC Human Rights Tribunal is seeking lawyers who would like to put their names forward to provide independent legal advice [ILA] to participants at the Tribunal. 

    Generally, parties who are looking for ILA need it on an urgent and limited basis. 

    Interested lawyers, please email the following information under the subject [ILA List] to my attention at the address below: 

    • Name 
    • Contact information for ILA requests 
    • Who you could provide advice to (e.g. any party or complainants or respondents only) 
    • Topics on which you are able to provide advice, e.g.: 
    • Whether to agree to participate in a mediation with the member who will preside at the hearing 
    • Advice regarding settlement of a complaint 
    • Advice regarding Tribunal practice and procedure 
    • Advice regarding evidentiary matters 
    • Fee information you wish to provide 

    Steven Adamson, 

    April 6, 2017 

    The Tribunal has made changes to its website to improve user accessibility. You will need to update your favourites. 

    January 30, 2017 

    To assist parties preparing for judicial review, the Tribunal has posted information about the standard of review including links to court decisions. 

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