Human rights and duties
My human rights and duties under the BC Human Rights Code
Last updated: May 22, 2024
Everyone in British Columbia has rights and duties under the Human Rights Code.
See videos in American Sign Language about human rights in BC.
The Code’s purposes are to make sure that people can participate equally in the economic, social, political and cultural life of British Columbia. The Code does this by forbidding discrimination based on certain personal characteristics in areas of daily life.
Discrimination is a negative effect based on a ground of discrimination. A ground of discrimination is a personal characteristic protected under the Human Rights Code. A person can discriminate even if they do not mean to. Sometimes a person can justify their conduct and then there is no discrimination.
See frequently asked questions about human rights.
The Code forbids discrimination in areas of life. Learn more about human rights and duties in each area:
Learn about remedies under the BC Human Rights Code.
Everyone also has a right under the Code to make a complaint, or be involved in a complaint, without retaliation. There is a duty not to retaliate against any person because they are involved or might be involved in a complaint.
The Code also sets up a process for making a complaint and seeking a solution.
Legal advice for people who experience discrimination may be available from the BC Human Rights Clinic. The Clinic comes to the Tribunal most Mondays to give advice. See others who can help on our resources page.
The government of BC also has information about human rights protection in other languages.
Learn more about the BC Human Rights Code and Tribunal: